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Tricks of the Trade

Tricks of the Trade - 3/8" Mosmatic Swivel

Tricks of the Trade - 3/8" Mosmatic Swivel

#TricksOfTheTrade Today I am talking about the Mosmatic Swivel. Everyone knows that you need this at the end of your hose; it's a time saver, a life saver. But Trudi's tricks-of-the-trade is the high-flow 3/8 swivel. You can see the difference between the regular and the high-flow. Look at the difference; you are going to get more flow all the way through. So next time you need to order a new one or replace your swivel, make sure you take a look at the 3/8"

Tricks of the Trade - Why do you pretreat when washing

Tricks of the Trade - Why do you pretreat when washing

I wanted to show a couple of reasons why we pretreat. 1) You can remove all the debris out of the way, so you're not getting your surface cleaner bar all wrapped up in this pine straw or whatever you have in your area. 2) You're going to also the water and soap to soak and help loosen the dirt and grime 3) You get to find out which way the water is running. So I start at the bottom, while I go back and forth, all the dirty water flows down and doesn't sit in what I just cleaned. That way I only have to clean once.

Tricks of the Trade - Hooking up to a Fire Hydrant

Tricks of the Trade - Hooking up to a Fire Hydrant

Since I'm by myself today, I'll show you how to put up our fire hydrant so I can swiftly fill up my 525 tank. I'm transporting this today. A 16-foot trailer is being pulled by an F350 flatbed. Because I had to use two hands in some of them, it could be a little challenging. of this video. I have my hydrant set up like this. With a PVC pipe running all the way to the end, I have my bulkhead installed at the bottom of my tank.

Tricks of the Trade - Reusable Coupler

Tricks of the Trade - Reusable Coupler

Hey guys, it's Trudi with Panhandle Power Wash Supply, and today I am going to be doing "TricksOfTheTrade with the "Reusable Coupler". Let me show you how this works. It comes in (1) and (2) wire. So your hose blew on the job; what do you do? Leave the job? Go get another hose. Or can temporarily fix this. And these are reusable. So what you do is screw this part onto the end of your hose. Then you force the hose barb down in there, and you turn it until it is tight. It is going to tighten it up and crimp it. So it is not going to break loose. Then all you are going to have on the end is this male pipe thread. You will have the male pipe thread on the end, and screw it all the way down so you can get back to work and finish your job. And then you can worry about getting another hose later. We have used these, and we have these on all our trucks and trailers just in case as a mess up and we don't have enough hose. We always carry a grinder on our rig. And then that is what you will end up with your hose, and this is what you will put your gun on. This is my #TricksOfTheTrade this week. #StayHumble and #HustleHard my friends.

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