Jan. 2, 25 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Posted on
- By Trudi Weickum
- Posted in Power Washing Mainentance, Tips and tricks
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Trudi Weickum, Tee Santiago, Anthony Freeman and Josh from Panhandle Power Wash Supply share their expertise, answering your questions and helping you feel confident in tackling equipment challenges.
Trudi Weickum, Tee Santiago, Anthony Freeman and Josh from Panhandle Power Wash Supply share their expertise, answering your questions and helping you feel confident in tackling equipment challenges.
Check out some of the amazing questions that were discussed!:
- What to do when your season is down.
- Where can I find an filter cleaner for the Honda 690
- Winterizing your equipment. How often do you change a belt on a Belt drive unit?
- If you have an issue with squeaking, what do you do?
- How many hours can you run a machine, until you need an oil change
- Cold weather and hot weather effecting the level in the oil?
- How many feet can you get with the CRX 5-1/2 gallon, 50 gallon chemical tank?
- Any recommendations for ARP40 not to leak?
- How do you feel about the Mo-Flow?
- When I go out working, what is better, the gear or the belt drive?
- Did you all set New Year's Goals for your companies?
- How do you guys split when you work with other companies on a job?
- Is RV Antifreeze the best to winterize your pumps?
Panhandle Power Wash Supply is a Pressure wash supply warehouse, located in Freeport, FL, that is here to help other local pressure washing companies find the much-needed supplies and equipment. | 85 Anchor Rd, Freeport, FL 32439 | 850-835-4052
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