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Neutrapod Bleach Neutralizer

Article number: NPOD-S
Availability: In stock (5)

Neutrapods the original bleach neutralizing pod.
Use strategically in gutters to neutralize SH runoff for plant and property protection.

Neutrapods Brand Neutralizer NP-3000 6lb Pail

Neutrapods NP-3000 is a bulk concentrated dry powder intended for use as a post wash rinse to neutralize sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and salt on windows, roofs, plants, equipment, and road salts.

Recommended Directions: Pre-rinse surfaces with water

Neutralizing a house wash (1%-2% SH)

  • Fill a 5 gallon bucket with clean water.
  • Using provided scoop, add one 8oz scoop of powder into 5 gallon bucket of clean water.
  • Stir until powder fully dissolved (2mins)
  • This makes 5gallons of neutralizing concentrate.

Neutralizing a roof wash (3%-4% SH)

  • Fill a 5 gallon bucket with clean water.
  • Using provided scoop, add 2 x 8oz scoop of powder into 5 gallon bucket of clean water.
  • Stir until powder fully dissolved (3.5mins)
  • This makes 5gallons of neutralizing concentrate.

Rinse Surfaces to remove soap tracer after application.



SDS - NeutraPods

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