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sharp shooter by C & R C & R Shooter M5 Twist Combo
Panhandle PPW JRod Downstream Setup With Nozzles
sharp shooter by C & R C & R Sharp Shooter Tip
The Hi-Draw is capable of a 20% draw rate. These injectors feature 3/8 inch mpt threads, stainless steel orifice and a Viton O-Ring!   190F. maximum temperature 3/8" MPT inlet and discharge 1/4" hose barb chemical port
Panhandle PPW Check Valve and High-Draw Chemical Injector Combo
Spray Systems IMEG Nozzle (View Sizes) (Sold Individually)
General Pump GP High Draw Fixed Dual Port Chemical Injector
Please specify gallon per minute for nozzle in notes at checkout
Panhandle PPW Check Valve for Downstream Chemical Injectors
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