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One Restore

Article number: ONERESTORE-1G
Availability: In stock (42)

OneRestore formerly known as SafeRestore:
OneRestore CAN now be sold in the state of California.

OneRestore is a breakthrough detergent that provides remarkable versatility, cleaning power and safety all in one product. It is capable of removing the deepest water hardness and pollution stains, and mineral and metal oxide stains from a wide variety of surfaces. It is an effective coating remover and safely cleans glass and anodized aluminum when used as directed. Hydrochloric Acid based: Make sure you wear gloves with any type of harsher acid.

OneRestore won't damage or change the color of any of the substrates it is used on. It will save hours of cleaning time versus the traditional bucket and brush method.

Sometimes, this chemical is best sprayed onto the glass. When you spray on the chemical, it helps to keep the chemical in a concentrated area when working. This is a smart technique when working on hot conditions. You do not want to have these harsher chemicals dry on the substrate. Note: if used in this manner, beware of hazardous inhalation hazards. 

Frame restoration: You can also offer the additional service of frame restoration to the customers. OneRestore is an excellent product to restore the window frames. Spraying the chemical on the window frame will help keep it from getting on the window panes themselves. Scrub in the chemical with a steel wool pad, rinse, and dry. Note: If spraying harsh chemicals, beware of hazardous inhalation hazards.

*Can be diluted in order to use a less intense dilution and work your way up stronger if needed. Suggested to dilute 1:1 and increase the amount of One Restore if necessary.

One method is to pour some into a bucket
use a strip washer (10 or 14inch).
wet the strip washer with the solution and rub onto a section to be restored.
Test a small area first.
DWELL TIME is important, for OneResore to work it takes 4 to 6 minutes to perform the desire restoration. 
Also, NEVER, Never let OneResore dry on the surface as Very bad, hard to restore, drippy, swirl marks will be left behind, often uglier than the original stains. Difficult to remove.
Keep the surface wet and all will be well, this is generally an easy thing to do on a compatible underlying surface. Always test a small area.
Once comfortable with the process wet an area as large as you can keep wet for that 4 to 6 minute dwell.
On windows out for the wind and sun that could be 10 4ftx6ft panes.
When in the sun, pre-wet the surface with water, helps to cool down the surface. work in much smaller areas 
Every now and then...
Rinse the washer wand in clear water, squeeze out the excess water, then re-soak in the solution.

Mix Ratio: Pre-wet glass for at least 15 seconds with water. Start with dilution of 1 Gallon of OneRestore to 1 Gallon of Water (1:1) and work your way up to a 100% application as necessary. Do not apply to hot surfaces or surfaces in direct sunlight. Apply using a low-pressure, low-flow applicator such as trigger sprayer, pump up sprayers or T-Bar and mop method. Be careful not to drip on surfaces not intended to be cleaned. Apply an even amount on the surface from the top down. Allow to dwell on the surface, water rinsing before it dries. Must be clean water rinsed before wiping or squeegee swiping. Rinse any excess OneRestore from adjacent surfaces before it dries and to prevent clean streaking.

Prop 65 Warning 5


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